Track Record

We invest in some of the finest companies in the world today.
Slayton Capital Investment Record as of Dec 2020.
Founded officially in 2001, Slayton Capital has invested in 23 companies of which 7 have been successful with two (Google and Salesforce.com) being among the most successful companies in Silicon Valley history. Of the remaining 14 companies 10 have been closed or are on life support while 4 are going concerns with 3 of those looking especially promising.
Slayton Capital was forced to sell its large positions in Google and Salesforce.com (which were then public companies with operations in Bermuda) to clear State Department conflict of interest rules when Mr. Slayton was appointed the US Chief of Mission (aka Ambassador) to Bermuda in 2005 by President George W. Bush. Slayton was extended twice by President Obama (the only Bush appointed Ambassador so honored) and was awarded the Distinguished Foreign Service Award by members of the Congressional Black Caucus in May of 2010 (the only Republican in US history to be so honored).
Mr. Slayton restarted Slayton Capital in 2011 and has made seven investments, some of which are doing extremely well. More can be seen on Ambassador Slayton’s career at www.gregorywslayton.com
Current Investments
Promising Current Investments:
Doctors Beck and Stone (China): In 2013 SC purchased approximately 2% the Company which operates one of China’s largest network of high-end pet hospitals. The holding company is based in Hong Kong. Technology underpins all aspects of DB&S significant competitive advantages.
Promising Current Investments:
Recycle Now (Texas): Recycle Now is the fastest growing doorstep trash/recycling collection service in North Texas. RN has doubled revenues and profits every year since its founding in 2016
Promising Current Investments:
Freespira (Palo Alto, CA). : Freespira is a Silicon Valley company that is the leading developer of non-invasive, non-drug related therapies for a range of debilitating health conditions including PAS (Panic Attack Syndrome) which impact over 5,000,000 Americans. Freespira has conducted a large number of successful clinical trials and is now going into general production. The company also has a very strong patent position this totally new branch of medical science. SC has invested at a blended pre-money valuation of $16M with some of Silicon Valley’s top investors.
There are other Slayton Capital companies that are looking extremely promising. More info can be obtained on these companies if needed.
Contact us at contact@slaytoncapital.com
Past Investments
Slayton Capital Wins Google
Google: acquired shares of stock pre-IPO at blended price of $40 per share which was just under half the IPO price. One of the most successful companies in Silicon Valley history.
Slayton Capital Wins Salesforce
Salesforce: acquired 50,000 shares of stock in multiple rounds (all pre-IPO) at a blended (split adjusted) average price of approximately $2/share ($100,000 stake). That stake is now worth over $10,000,000.
Slayton Capital Wins BloomEnergy
BloomEnergy: acquired shares on Dec 12, 2004 at 50 cents per share. This was alongside larger investments from Sequoia Capital and Kleiner Perkins in that same B Round. Slayton Capital sold 90% of its stake back in 2012 while Bloom was still private for a 40X return on investment.
Slayton Capital Wins Eyefluence Inc. (USA)
Eyefluence Inc. (USA) is a Silicon Valley company that is the leading software supplier to Google Glass. Slayton Capital invested in Dec of 2013 for shares of Pref A stock alongside Intel Partners (the lead investor). The Company was sold for a significant multiple to Google in 2015.
Slayton Capital Wins WYSE Technology
WYSE Technology: acquired shares in June of 2003 at $1.00 per share. Company was acquired by Dell Computers in April of 2012 for $6.60 per share (split adjusted) in cash.
Slayton Capital Wins Oakley Networks
Oakley Networks: acquired shares in multiple rounds at a blended average of $2.55 per share. Company was acquired by Raytheon Corporation in September of 2007 for $7.50 per share in cash.
Slayton Capital Wins Reconnex Corporation
Reconnex Corporation: acquired shares at $10 per share in June of 2004. Company was acquired by McAfee Software in July 2008 for $22 per share in cash.
Slayton Capital Wins ParaGraph International
ParaGraph International: this acquisition was made by Mr. Slayton directly in 1997 before the official founding of Slayton Capital, however we include it here for full disclosure. Acquired 600,000 shares in 1997. Two years later Mr. Slayton helped sell the company to Silicon Graphics at a price 18X higher.
Take a look at our current investments portfolio above.